Students are putting a finish earthen plaster on a base coat of straw-clay plaster. The original wall was drywall. The tool to apply the plaster is a yogurt container lid with the rim cut off of it.

Notice the soft touch of the brown plaster, which has finely chopped straw particles in it. The niche, with its yellow plaster, forms a beautiful contrast.

We plastered the interior of this house with a basic brown sand-clay plaster. All the materials were sources locally; the sand came from the beach and the clay came from a road cut. We screened all materials through a window screen.

We used white clay, white sand and some iron oxide for this plaster. Notice the 3-dimensional art. This can be done with cob, straw-clay plaster, or, if it is not too thick, with the plaster it self.

A two-tone plaster. the brown was first applied and 4 years later we put the cream color plaster on top.

A combination of plasters and paint put on a cob wall.

Several layers transformed this plywood into an earthen wall: Clay-slip, straw-clay plaster, finish plaster, and finally some clay paints.

A drywall room changed into a earthen room with the help of earthen plasters, paints and an earthen floor.

Beautiful plaster done on a garden wall!